Speaker Terms & Conditions

Booking Confirmation

Your speaker booking is considered “held” as soon as you have approved an official Quote from Tiffany Markman and supplied the following details:

  • Presentation topic: 
  • Presentation type: 
  • Duration: 
  • Including or excluding Q&A?
  • Date/s: 
  • Time slot/s: 
  • Venue name: 
  • Venue address: 
  • Venue contact person and mobile number: 
  • No. of attendees: 
  • Attendee profile: demographics, seniority, nationality, etc.
  • Your most important goal for this event:
  • Standard presentation fee (excl. VAT): 

Your booking “hold” is confirmed on receipt of an official Purchase Order and/or proof of payment for 50% to 100% of the agreed presentation fee, as appropriate.


Travel & Accommodation

Presentation fees exclude all travel-related expenses, which are for the client’s account. These may include airfare, accommodation, ground travel, transfers (e.g. by train), car hire, visas/work permits and incidentals. Unless otherwise agreed, Tiffany is happy to make her own travel arrangements.

Clients agree to reimburse all agreed travel costs on presentation of a reimbursement invoice. All travel-related costs are estimates until final arrangements are confirmed and booked with relevant travel service providers.


Recording, Use & Re-Use

Recording of Tiffany Markman’s sessions is not permitted unless pre-negotiated, with a licensing fee agreed to in writing. Please note that Tiffany typically deletes virtual recordings after 14 days, unless otherwise arranged.


Technology Preferences

Tiffany prefers to present using her own MacBook, HDMI cable connector and clicker. For groups of 40 or more, a microphone is recommended. Tiffany prefers a lapel/lavalier microphone or headset mic. Please advise if these are not available.


Date Changes & Unforeseen Circumstances

We will do our best to accommodate date changes, provided that Tiffany’s schedule allows and it is possible to reschedule flights, other transport, transfers, and accommodation. Any additional travel expenses are the client’s responsibility.

Given the unique nature of Tiffany Markman’s services, you agree that her interventions are one-of-a-kind. If she cannot deliver the scoped presentation, you may postpone delivery, pending her availability, or request a pro-rata refund.


Client Cancellation

If, less than 30 days before the event date, you cancel or change the scope of Tiffany’s involvement in your booking, you will remain liable for the full fee and all travel-related costs, including any cancellation fees and penalties.


Intellectual Property Rights

Tiffany Markman’s Intellectual Property (IP) rights, including copyright, remain her sole property. All of Tiffany’s resources, materials and content are for use within your enterprise only. Kindly do not pass them on or share them externally.

Similarly, your IP rights remain with you and all information shared with Tiffany will be kept strictly private and confidential. You may request a signed Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) from Tiffany. With or without an NDA in place, Tiffany commits not to discuss your research, material, submissions, media, meetings, or strategy with any third party, except as necessary to deliver your intervention.

Book Tiffany to speak