#WritersBlock: Don’t pick the low-hanging fruit

The former is hard but the latter is less hard. So, let’s look at how you might nail the latter. As a modern idiom, “there’s nothing new under the sun” is often used as a world-weary complaint against life’s monotony. But did you know that it comes from Ecclesiastes? “What has been will be again / What has […]

The “Give Away Your Clever” approach to content marketing

A few years ago, if I’d used this article to advise you of the ideal tone for content marketing, I’d have said: produce writing that’s clever, compelling and clear. I’d have asserted that the best practice is clean, concise writing – with your brand’s personality applied on top, for authenticity. And that would’ve been that. […]

What’s The Sweet Spot, Speaker?

I sat on the floor. The carpet-free, rug-free, furniture-free floor of my recently renovated home office. It was 9 degrees in Johannesburg, so the cold was coming right through the tiles, and rapidly chilling my… you know… But I sat there for 118 minutes. Happily. And I jotted down 1107 words of notes. There were, […]

How to be a better speaker, so you can become a thought leader

Want to be a better speaker? If you do, read on please. A weird thing has started happening to me. I might be at an art fair, or walking my dog in the street in my suburb or attending a play, and a stranger will come up to me and say, “Are you Tiffany Markman? […]

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